World Mental Health Day 2022 – How can you take care of your mental health


‘There is no health without mental health’

People are often focused on keeping their physical body healthy while ignoring the most important aspect of the health i.e. the mental health. Mental health means keeping our mind healthy which includes our cognition, emotions as well as behaviour. It is as important as is our physical health. A person having healthy mental state truly feels alive and can manage the extreme situations of the life with ease.  Hence to highlight and encourage the importance of mental health, 10th October has been marked as the World Mental Health Day by World Health Organisation which is celebrated annually across the world.

Table of contents:


World mental health day theme 2022

Mental health matters

Dera Sacha Sauda’s contribution to mental health awareness

Here’s how you can take care of your mental health


World Mental Health Day Theme 2022:

The theme for World Mental Health Day 2022 as per World Federation for Mental Health is ‘Make mental health and well being for all a global priority’. There are always small or big problems affecting mental health in everyone’s life and instead of ignoring them we should take them at priority. This theme is focused on bringing mental health on par with physical health, to recognise the importance of mental health and to help those struggling with mental ill health globally.

Mental health matters

Mental health matters, in fact it matters the most. You must have wondered why the richest people or celebrities who are having every luxury and comfort in their lives commit suicides. Well, this is because they were suffering from one or more mental health problems which went either unrecognised or untreated. Hence, Ill-mental health can take a serious toll on someone’s life. Around 1 billion people are suffering from some kind of mental health issues globally such as stress, depression, anxiety, addictive disorders etc. The covid-19 pandemic has created a crisis for mental health worldwide with everyone developing some kind of mental health problems especially the stress, depression and PTSD. It has created a need for spreading more awareness to recognise and address the mental health issues. According to WHO, 80 percent of Indian Population doesn’t seek psychiatric assistance due to the lack of understanding of mental health issues. Mental and physical health is interconnected. A person who is mentally healthy can enjoy all other comforts of life. It impacts all the aspects and areas of life.

The person who is mentally healthy, it will be easy for them to endure difficult situations in life, he/she will also be able to maintain healthy relations with others, have a high self-esteem and also be productive in their studies and work. Hence, a person with good mental health can live the life to the fullest. However, mental health has gained much more importance than previous times when the focus was only on physical and economic aspect.

Dera Sacha Sauda’s contribution to mental health awareness:

Various events, conferences and awareness campaigns are organised by international and national committees, educational institutions etc. on this day. Dera Sacha Sauda, a socio-spiritual organisation is also contributing towards spreading awareness for mental health care.

A ‘Campaign to relieve stress’ has been initiated by the organisation where free counseling is provided by doctors to help those who are suffering from mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, stress and to refrain people from committing suicides with counselling and by elevating their self esteem via meditation etc.

Meditation has a big role in keeping the mental health at par. For which Saint Dr Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan aka Saint Dr. MSG  inspires people to meditate regularly. His holiness also inspires people to never commit suicide in life as it is equal to sin, HE refers to those who commit suicide as, “Atam ghati, Maha paapi” (He who commits suicide is equal to a great sinner).  His holiness has taught the method of meditation to more than 65 million people. Under HIS pious guidance millions are practicing meditation regularly and experiencing a positive and balanced mental health.

Here’s how you can take care of your mental health:

With the rising cases of mental health issues leading to suicides and other serious problems, it becomes important to know how to take care of your mental health at your own. Here are some simple and easy steps that you can follow:

Mental health and physical exercise: Since mental and physical health are inter-related so we should take care of our health by doing regular physical exercises and relaxation exercises, as it will also keep our mental health sound and healthy.

Mental health and diet

 Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan says, ’jaisa khao ann, vaisa hoye man’ (the type of food you consume, impacts your mind). Hence we should always eat balanced vegetarian diet which will inculcate positive thoughts in our mind and stop consuming the non vegetarian food which creates negative, aggressive thoughts.

Take some time to engage in activities you love:

We all have some hobbies that we love to do in our free times. In these stressful and busy schedules we should take some time out to pursue those hobbies. We should take atleast half an hour a day to do things that we love and enjoy.

Reach out and Talk to others:

Do not suppress your thoughts and feelings, share them. Share your feelings with the friends and family members you trust whenever you feel like sharing. Talking out your feelings to someone gives you a sense of relaxation and calmness as well as they might provide some solutions for your problems.

Keep a daily journal:

Journalising your thoughts and feelings allows you to do self-reflection; we may sort through the events and find out what in our life is creating problem for us. It also helps you lighten up from the overwhelming thoughts that keep running across the mind.

Mental health and meditation: Meditation has a great role in keeping our mental health balanced. Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan emphasizes the role of meditation in keeping the mind calm, balanced and positive. His holiness teaches that with regular practice of meditation one can get rid of anxiety and stress, develop willpower, enhance brain functioning and bring positivity in life. Practicing meditation for continuously three months has been seen to be linked to development of mindfulness and enhancement of brain functioning.

Mental health and yoga: yoga is a combination of breathing exercises along with asana (physical postures). Its impact has been seen on mental health to be very effective. It improves the brain functioning, reduce the feeling of stress, anxiety, depression and bring positivity in mind. Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan inspires to practice yoga along with meditation for a healthy mental health.


Mental health should be the priority of everyone. It impacts everything from our behaviour to emotions, thoughts & feelings. A good mental health can increase productivity and positivity in our work, academics and relationships. Hence, let’s start prioritising our mental health. Remove the taboo and let us all start talking and treating the mental health issues as normally as the other health problems. Try to look out for the people in your surroundings who are struggling from mental health issues and motivate them to seek help from psychiatrist or psychologists.

Remember it is never too late to ask for help!

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