Meditation -A sure shot way to eliminate stress and maintain mental health


Maintaining mental and emotional health has become a challenge in the modern world. Though the scientific advancements have made everything a lot easier with technology, we have forgotten to maintain our mental health. Stress, anxiety, depression have become common problems in the modern world where there is a lot of pressure to compete and achieve.

In the fast pacing era, we have somewhere lost calmness and inner peace. Hence the cases of people being mentally unstable, depressed, and suicidal are increasing each day. So the question is what needs to change? What needs to be learnt and what needs to be done to maintain our sanity, our peace and our health.

Table of Contents

1. How were our ancestors able to cope up with stress?

2. How does meditation fight anxiety?

3. Practicing meditation is cool and healthy.

4. How does meditation help in day to day life?

5. What do religions say about the method of meditation?

6.  What is the meaning of meditation in the modern practical world?

7. Millions of people have got the easiest technique to solve every problem.

How were our ancestors able to cope up with stress?

Do you think there was no such pressure in the ancient world? Did our ancestors face no difficulty? Despite all the hard work from dusk to dawn, with no technology and no means to communicate, people used to live a productive life. Cases of suicide were very rare. They never felt the need of consulting psychiatrists. This is because they had a way to manage their stress and anxiety. They had a way to ignore their negative thoughts and live a life of hope and positivity. And they achieved this by using the method of meditation. Yes, our ancestors have given us a way to remove all the worries – meditation. Meditation is the most ancient practice that the mankind has followed since the times unknown to unravel the power of mind and soul.

Wonderful technique to fight anxiety

We are so busy with the complexities and chores of our daily lives that it puts a lot of pressure on our minds. Meditation is the solution to calm our fast running thoughts and free our mind from the negative thoughts. It is the best way to take deep rest and be alert simultaneously. If practiced regularly, meditation becomes a skill that calms the mind and allows you to get in touch with your inner self.

There is a scientific ground behind this wonderful technique. The method of Meditation increases the brain level of serotonin.

Practice of Meditation enhances amounts of Oxygen within the brain. Enhanced brain Oxygen means increased levels of the chemical serotonin which is a stress buster. Moreover, the containment gained with serotonin is longer lasting. The continued practice lowers anger and increases peace. It brings compassion, mercy, a sense of sharing, and ultimately a state of selflessness. It raises self-confidence and as we all know, confidence is the key to success. So the benefits of meditation are much more than the time or effort invested in it.

Method to get salvation from all worldly problems.

Most of the youth these days consider meditation as old-fashioned, outdated, and some even superstitious.  So they neglect this method of meditation and terms like salvation, the cycle of life and death, heaven, hell, afterlife as mere theories.

But in their quest to gain happiness, they try unhealthy methods like taking drugs and alcohol and try to forget their troubles rather than finding a solution for them. But these methods provide short term happiness and add more to the problems.

But meditation is not only about salvation from the cycles of birth and death; it provides you the salvation from your worries, the negativities, from the hatred and from your own web of thoughts. It lets you feel the serenity, the tranquility and bliss you get when you help someone.

How does meditation help in day to day life?

The practice of meditation enhances your overall performance in almost every field of life.

Let’s say you are a student and you spend some 4 hours to complete a topic.  But if you meditate, your ability to understand and retain increases manifolds and the same topic can be covered in 2 to 3 hours or even less. The practice of meditation enhances brain capabilities, increases concentration and self-confidence. Not just in studies, but in every good work worth doing, the practice of meditation has proved to enhance the quality of work and shorten the time to complete it. This helps in ultimately reducing stress.

What do religions say about the method of meditation?

The method of meditation is indeed a gift to us from our religions and from our ancient Gurus.  From time to time, different religions have taught the meaning of meditation in different languages.

  • In Buddhism, Meditation is important on the pathway to enlightenment and nirvana (salvation).  Both are believed as a state of serenity and insight.
  • In Hinduism, There are various styles of meditation taught in different schools. Yoga and meditation are commonly practiced initially to prepare oneself for self-realization. Moksha (salvation) is the final desired state of Hinduism.
  • In Islam, Islamic meditation, or Sufism, the meaning of meditation leads to the true knowledge and methods of controlled breathing and the repetition of holy words are followed.
  • In Jainism, Meditation is the central idea of Jainism. The meaning of meditation is to help attain enlightenment and the 24 Tirthankaras which exist in meditative postures.
  • In Sikhism, the word used is Naam Shabad or Simran for meditation. By doing good deeds and serving selflessly along with regular practice of meditation, one can feel the divine presence as well as eventually attain salvation.
  • In Christianity, the meaning of Meditation is a form of prayer to connect with and reflect upon the words of God. 

What is the meaning of meditation in the modern practical world?

People today are busy and do not have enough time to sit and concentrate, or to read big books to find the deeper meaning of life. What they want is a fast, less time consuming method, something that can remove their worries and fulfill their wishes in a relatively short span of time.

Meditation is the answer to their requirements. Although there is no shortcut to salvation, meditation and hard work do make the path easier. In fact meditation leads to increase in capability and as your capability increases, you achieve your goals faster.

There are many organizations and centers that make people aware of this wonderful technique. A lot of people join these organizations to learn the method of meditation. These organizations are worldwide famous for spreading the message door to door. Some of the examples are Maharishi Foundation, Global Country of World Peace, Art of Living, Dera Sacha Sauda, Dalai Lama Foundation, etc.

Over the recent few years, a lot of people, especially the youth, have been attracted to Dera Sacha Sauda for their easy technique of meditation to live stress-free. According to their Spiritual leader, one does not need to go anywhere, change dressing style or way of living; one can meditate from the comforts of his home and purify one’s thoughts.

Meditation – An easy and necessary tool

So if one really wants to have peace of mind, meditation is the only tool, it is the only way to stabilize your mind, thought process and to achieve positivity. So practice meditation and open the door to infinite possibilities and achieve the goals of your life.

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