Global Forgiveness Day – know the power of forgiveness

The world will be more peaceful if no one hates others and no one holds grudge against each other. This is one of the major reasons why the whole world celebrates Forgiveness Day on July 7 every year. This day reminds everyone of the values of forgiveness.

Even though, it is hard to forgive someone who has hurt you but still we should learn forgiving others. It is essential not just for someone’s sake, but also for ourselves to let go the anger and sad memories. Indeed, we could free our mind and soul from the burden of grudge and anxiety and move on with fresh mind.

We can learn to be more forgiving if we do not know how to forgive others. For example, Almighty teaches us the act of forgiveness in HIS own ways. Doesn’t Almighty forgive those who committed bad works in the past, but tread on the righteous path in present? Almighty does forgive such people through HIS saints. The great saints, who incarnate on Earth, have forgiven many people known to be devils and brought them on the righteous path with their act of kindness and preaching.

Moreover, our mother Earth also forgives human beings for committing huge harm to the environment . In fact, if the mother Earth had not forgiven us, we would not have lived today. And, would have been either living in space or on another planet.

Why Forgiveness is essential for a healthy lifestyle?

Whether it is about forgiving ourselves or others, it has a positive impact on our life, especially on our health. Before getting into the health benefit of forgiving others, let us know how unforgiveness can impact us negatively.

Researchers found that the people who are not forgiving others live with negativity after getting hurt by someone. They retain anger and bitterness for a longer time even for years which is detrimental to their physical health. As a consequence, these emotions affect their ability to think, sleep, eat and even the way they interact with others. The situation can get even worse when they have to interact with the person who had wronged them in the past. Usually, this interaction reminds them of the unpleasant incidents they had with that person in the past. Thus, leading them to forget about the happiness of the present.

On the other hand, the studies on those who are more forgiving have found that such people tend to have a healthy lifestyle, live stress-free life and are emotionally intelligent as they never hold onto anything. Therefore, it is essential to forget unpleasant moments that could hurt us in the future by forgiving someone who has done something wrong to us or to our loved ones. With the ability of forgiveness we can move ahead in our life and free ourselves from the prison of negativity and resentment.

Nowadays, the medical world has started using forgiveness as a medical treatment for patients. Patients with dangerous diseases like Cancer are suggested to participate in forgiveness exercises to speed up their recovery.

How to learn forgiveness

Although forgiveness is an inherent feeling but could be learned by following the tips mentioned below. Moreover, one needs to have strong will power and inner strength to forgive others. So, those who have weak will power, should also follow these steps to get mentally ready to learn how to forgive:

Regular Practice of Meditation and Pranayama

The best and easiest way to get rid of tensions, depression and anxiety is regular meditation. If meditation is done with pranayama, the brain starts getting more oxygen which provides freshness to the brain leading to a boost in its functioning ability. When brain power increases, positivity and confidence increase too, which leave no space for negativity in the mind. As a result, we tend to see the brighter side of everything even in the darkest times of our lives.

Just by giving fifteen minutes twice a day to meditation and pranayama, anyone can become able to do self-realization which helps in making strong decisions of life with a positive attitude. Forgiving someone for their wrongdoings is one of the toughest tasks, so to be able to do it, we need strong willpower and freedom from negative thoughts. These both can be attained from only regular meditation.

Share your pain by talking to your best friends or family members

There is a famous saying that if we share happiness, it flourishes and if we share our sorrows with others, sorrows fade away. The reason behind is that there is always a chance that someone might suggest us solution to our problems if we discuss with others, especially with our best friends or parents. However, before opening up to others, keep this in mind that you share your pain only with those who will not take your situation’s advantage. It is the best idea to talk with your best friends, siblings and parents when you are distressed. Talking with them and venting out your anger through long discussions will ease your pain. Consequently, you can mentally prepare yourself to forgive those who brought you in such situations of pain and sufferings.

Leave past in the past

What has been done cannot be undone, but thinking over the bad things that happened in the past can ruin our present and future. Change is the truth of the world and even huge planets like Sun and Earth experience changes every second. So, we should also accept this reality and move on from a sad past to a present full of happiness. We can do this by spreading laughter and happiness everywhere. For instance, helping the needy and easing others’ pain today can make us worthy of Almighty’s blessings and happiness forever. Shaping our mind this way will let us forgive those who made us went through sadness in the past.

Forgiving someone does not mean someone is allowed to hurt you again

Forgiving means giving someone a chance to improve his/her mistakes. It does not mean that by forgiving someone, we are inviting them to hurt us again. Instead, it is a sign of true human nature because true humanity teaches us to be kind in our behavior for everyone.

When Almighty’s true saints do not keep any hatred in mind towards those who hurt them, then we are in no position to judge someone just because of their acts. Even prisoners are given a second chance to live after they are free. This is a universal law to give everyone another opportunity to tread on the right path. However, it is totally up to us if we want to talk or meet a person who hurt us after forgiving him/her because it is also necessary to be on the safe side. Chances are that by showing an act of forgiveness to someone, we can make him/her realize his/her mistakes.


In the end, no matter which day or time it is, there is no fixed or special time or day for forgiving others. It can happen anywhere, at any place and whenever we are ready. The Global Forgiveness day is to remind us of the importance of being forgiving in nature. And to embrace the happiness which we are not letting enter our life by holding anger and bitterness towards someone.

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