11 Benefits of lighting a ghee or oil lamp at home

Benefits of lighting a ghee or oil lamp at home

The lamp (diya) has its special place in Sanatan Vedic Hinduism. It is a form and symbol of pure fire principle (teja). It is believed that the lamp leads us from darkness to light. It’s greatness lies in fact that it burns only to give the message of peace, light, healing and good progeny to man. According to Hinduism, all matter is made up of five elements viz. Earth (Bhumi), Water (Jal), Fire (Agni), Vayu (Vayu) and Space (Akasha). Lamps harness the thermal energy of fire that purify the air and bring harmony to the environment. Fire of lamps create a rejuvenating and refreshing effect on both body and mind. The Agni Purana clearly states that oil or ghee (clarified butter) lamps are beneficial over any other inflammable substance.
In ancient times, the mornings at Gurukuls began with lighting lamps or performing havanas. The importance of Havan is considered very sacred from religious point of view. A place where Havan is performed periodically, all negative energies are removed. In such a place the evil forces remain ineffective. All the ingredients used in the havan are offered to the fire of the havan and as soon as the smoke comes out of it, the environment starts to be purified. All the harmful germs present in the environment are destroyed by this holy fragrance and mosquitoes and harmful germs fly away for a long time.

Benefits of lighting lamps (diyas) at home

There are many reasons for which lighting a ghee lamp at home is considered auspicious. Here are some:

1: Fire of lamps purifies the surrounding air.

2: They creates a pure, nourishing and healing atmosphere.

3: Fire of lamps acts as an insecticide for the house.

4: Fire reduces the number of bacterias and viruses in atmosphere

5: Lamps lit at Sunrise and sunset provides maximum healing to the environment and humans.

6: Removes foul odours from the surrounding environment.

7: Lighting a ghee lamp in the house invites positivity and helps remove all negative energy from the house.

8: Lamps have ability to attract sattvic vibrations from surrounding atmosphere. The effect of sattvikta (the quality of being sattvic) on the atmosphere is felt even after hours the lamp stops burning.

9: As Diwali is celebrated by lighting lamps and lanterns, It represents the victory of good over evil. The same concept applies in your home.

10: Lighting a ghee lamp is a message of hope and light in life.

11: If you consistently light ghee lamp at home, you will get health, wealth and prosperity.,

Effects on the worshiper according to Kundalini Yoga

A lamp (diya) creates subtle armour around the worshipper. The subtle frequencies emanating from the lamp activate the spiritual energy of the worshipper. According to the yogic path of Kundalini Yoga, there are seven principle chakras or energy centres in humans. These chakras affect every aspect of a human being, including the physical body, mind and intellect. A lamp (diya) is effective in purifying the chakras chakras to a greater extent.

Just as there are seven chakras in the human body, there are pathways for vital energy (consciousness) flow. These are called rivers or streams. The three main rivers are Chandra Nadi (Moon River), Suraj Nadi (Sun River) and Sushumna Nadi. When the Chandra Nadi is active the person feels cold. Activation of Surya Nadi energizes the person. Sushumna river becomes active when one starts to progress spiritually. A lamp activates that nadi that is necessary for the worshiper in a particular action.

To revive this lost culture, Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim ji has asked his disciples to light at least one lamp at sunrise and sunset at their respective homes. Revered Guru ji while speaking on the campaign to light diyas said that the way these diyas keep on burning, then the God will definitely send happiness to your homes and your evils will run away with the fragrance of those diyas. The bacteria virus will escape to form the clean environment. Revered Guru ji said that in ancient Gurukuls, the day was started by lighting ghee and oil lamps or offering sacrifices. If you chant the name of the God by lighting a lamp, then you will feel better and you will feel the happiness

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