6 True Facts About Life of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan

Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji

6 Key Facts About Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan

Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan has touched the lives of millions. Through his teachings, he has helped countless people overcome addiction and connect with their higher selves. His life is rooted in selfless service for all creation.

Over 68 million people around the world find solace in his sermons and actively engage in his 163 humanitarian initiatives. Guided by ancient wisdom and Vedic science, Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan inspires people to reach their true potential.  His work has been recognized globally, earning him a Doctorate Degree from the University of World Record London.

Table of contents

1. Fact 1: The Journey of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji

2. Fact 2: The Spiritual Influence of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan

3.Fact 3:  The Social Reformer Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan

4.Fact 4: The Humanitarian Visionary of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan

5. Fact 5: The Lasting Influence of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan

6. Fact 6:  Personal Experiences and Testimonials from Supporters of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan

7. Conclusion

Fact 1: The Journey of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji

– Early Life and Spiritual Awakening:

Born into a humble farming family in Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan, Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan showed early signs of spiritual curiosity and a deep desire to serve humanity. It was 15th August 1967, when he was born. From a young age, his actions revealed he was no ordinary child, leading his parents to see him as a divine image. The neighborhood around also recognized his uniqueness. He was always kind, helping the needy in any way he could, and these qualities have remained with him into adulthood.

…….and at just 23,

he was appointed as the leader of Dera Sacha Sauda, marking the beginning of his purposeful journey to inspire and uplift humanity. On September 23, 1990, Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj declared Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan as his divine successor during a grand Satsang. He symbolically transferred Dera Sacha Sauda’s spiritual legacy to Saint Dr. MSG Insan. His enthronement witnessed the rise of numerous humanitarian and social initiatives carried out by Dera Sacha Sauda

Fact 2:  The Spiritual Influence of Saint Dr. MSG Insan

– Guiding Principles for Inner Peace:

Millions of people have found purpose of life from the teachings of Saint Dr Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. His teachings focus on spiritual awakening, meditation, and ethical living. By guiding people towards higher consciousness and self-improvement, he helps individuals achieve inner peace and a fulfilling life, illuminating the hearts of millions who follow his path.

Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan guides people to overcome their inner vices. The three fundamental principles of Dera Sacha Sauda are diligently upheld by all followers. These principles are:

1. Abstain from alcohol and any form of drug use

2. Embrace a vegetarian lifestyle

3. Uphold a strong moral character and remain loyal in relationships

Those who strictly follow these principles, along with regular meditation have experienced 180 degrees transformation in their lives.  With the rise in inner confidence, they have turned possible that seemed earlier impossible.

Fact 3:  The Social Reformer Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan

– Addressing Social Evils:

 Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan has made significant contributions to combating social issues like female foeticide, drug addiction, and illiteracy. His programs aim to eliminate these social evils, creating a more equitable and just society.

DEPTH campaign –  Drug Eradication Pan India through Health and Meditation

Recently Saint Dr. MSG initiated Depth campaign for protecting youngsters from getting ruined by drugs. This initiative focuses on creating awareness about the dangers of drug abuse, offering rehabilitation programs for addicts, and encouraging youth to lead a drug-free life.

Shubh Devi

Saint Dr. MSG Insan launched an initiative to support girls who found themselves in the dire circumstances of prostitution, often against their will. He provided these girls with a new identity by calling them “Shubh Devi”.  He encouraged his followers to marry these women and help them begin anew. Remarkably, over 1,500 men, whom he named “Bhakat Yodhas,” stepped forward to take part in this compassionate cause. To date, 21 of these girls have been married and are now leading happy lives with their families.

War Against Female Foeticide:

Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan has been a vocal advocate against female foeticide, a deeply entrenched issue in some parts of India. Under this initiative, mass awareness campaigns are conducted to educate people about the importance of gender equality.

Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji has personally adopted over 20 orphaned girls, known as Shahi Betiyan or Royal Daughters, who were rescued from the threat of foeticide.

Promotion of Interfaith Harmony:

In a world often divided by religious and cultural differences, Saint Dr. MSG Insan has consistently promoted interfaith harmony. His teachings emphasize the universal values of love, compassion, and respect for all religions. Through interfaith dialogues, cultural programs, and joint celebrations of religious festivals, he has fostered a spirit of unity and brotherhood among people of different faiths

Fact 4:  The Humanitarian Visionary of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan

Transforming Lives Globally:

 His commitment to humanitarian work is exemplified through 163 ongoing projects. These initiatives range from health and education to environmental conservation, making a profound impact worldwide. Till date , he continues serving those in need, regardless of the challenges.

Do you know ??

Under the guidance of Saint Dr. MSG Insan, over 1 million units of blood have been donated, 52 million trees have been planted, and 35 mega cleanliness campaigns have been organized. Furthermore, 18,000 posthumous eye donations and 1,994 posthumous body donations have been made. Fifteen free Yaad-E-Murshid polio deformity correction camps have provided surgeries to 754 patients, and more than 27,000 individuals have had their vision restored through the Yaad-E-Murshid Free Eye Camps.

Fact 5: The Lasting Influence of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan

– Awards and Honors:

Saint Dr. MSG Insan’s timeless impact is reflected in the numerous accolades and recognition he has received, including a Doctorate Degree from the University of World Record London. He has 75+ world records in his name and bagged hundreds of awards.

His work continues to influence and inspire future generations to embrace selfless service and spiritual growth.

Fact 6:  Personal Experiences and Testimonials from Supporters of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan

– **Personal Testimonies:**

 Followers of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Insan share inspiring stories of how his teachings and initiatives have transformed their lives. These personal experiences and testimonials highlight the profound influence he has on individuals seeking hope, purpose, and positive change.

Here are three extraordinary real-life miracles that will undoubtedly take your breath away

1. Restored Vision through Saint Dr. MSG Insan’s Blessings

Mr. Jaspreet Singh 

New Zealand

In 1998, while studying in the 6th grade at a private school in Muktsar, Punjab, Mr. Jaspreet Singh experienced a profound transformation in his life, thanks to the blessings of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. He had been introduced to meditation by Saint Dr. MSG Insan in 1994. One evening, Mr. Singh developed itchy, red eyes, prompting his parents to seek the help of an eye specialist. Unfortunately, the doctor misdiagnosed the condition as the flu and prescribed eye drops. After using the drops for a week, Mr. Singh’s vision deteriorated, leaving him completely blind.

Desperate for a solution, Mr. Singh’s parents consulted an eye surgeon in Fazilka, Punjab. The surgeon described the case as the worst he had ever encountered in a child of Mr. Singh’s age and prescribed further medication. As the medical staff prepared to administer the drops, Mr. Singh’s mother recited the prayer “Dhan Dhan Satguru Tera Hi Asra.” Remarkably, within minutes of applying the drops, Mr. Singh regained his sight.

Mr. Singh expresses his profound gratitude to Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, acknowledging that without this divine intervention, he would have never been able to see the world again. He earnestly requests continued blessings from Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan for every step of his life.

2. Victory of Truth: The Divine Intervention of Saint Dr. MSG Insan saved Asha Insan

With the holy blessings of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, Mrs. Asha Rani, wife of Sh. Diwan Chand Insan, recounts a profound experience of truth prevailing over adversity. In September 2010, during a jagran in their neighborhood, there was an attempt to set up tents close to their bathroom window, which was under construction. Mrs. Asha Rani politely requested that the tents not be erected there, but was met with hostility and abuse from the event organizers. They even lodged a false complaint against her and her family at the police station.

3. Cancer Got Cancelled with Grace of Saint Dr. MSG Insan

Akhil Aggarwal, a successful trader from Bangalore, faced a life-changing ordeal when his ten-year-old son Sujeet was diagnosed with lymphoma, a type of cancer. After the initial devastating diagnosis, Akhil and his wife, Aarti, turned to their faith in Saint Dr. MSG Insan, despite the urgency of the medical situation.

On January 24, 2013, the family visited Guruji in Sirsa. Guruji reassured them and advised them to consult Dr. Brijesh in Mumbai. Following Guruji’s blessing and Prasad, the swelling in Sujeet’s neck inexplicably disappeared by the next day.

A biopsy at M.S. Ramaiah Hospital in Bangalore initially confirmed the lymphoma diagnosis, but Dr. Brijesh later reviewed the case and found that the disease was actually Kikuchi disease, a rare non-cancerous condition. This surprising turn of events left the doctors and the family astonished. Dr. Brijesh credited Guruji’s guidance for steering them towards the correct diagnosis and avoiding unnecessary cancer treatments.

Dr. Brijesh Arora, now an Oncologist, reflected on his own journey and the impact of faith and prayers, acknowledging Guruji’s role in guiding him and the Aggarwal family through this miraculous healing.

When the police arrived, they appeared to side with the aggressive group, who were numerous compared to Mrs. Asha Rani and her family. Despite the intimidation, Mrs. Asha Rani, confident in the support of her Satguruji, showed the police a sacred pendent and assured them of divine backing. Remarkably, the police began to question and reprimand the aggressors.

In a surprising turn of events, a notorious figure named Bindar, feared by many in Gurgaon, arrived unexpectedly. He inquired about the situation and, upon receiving permission from Mrs. Asha Rani, threatened to stop the jagran and imprison those responsible. The opposing party quickly apologized, astonished by Bindar’s intervention. Mrs. Asha Rani attributed this miraculous assistance to the divine intervention of Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, expressing her gratitude for the protection and blessings received.


 Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan’s life is a testament to the power of selfless service and spiritual leadership. His numerous humanitarian projects and teachings continue to inspire millions.

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