Three pillars of a healthy life – Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation


In our highly engrossed modern living, a healthy lifestyle is generally overlooked. Though everyone knows that good health is imperative to managing every other area of our life still fitness is not considered a priority. Unfortunately, the reality is that healthy living in modern society is plagued with barriers.

Work pressures, societal problems, laziness, etc. often take precedence; skipping exercise and diet are the first to be eliminated from routines. We have developed such mindsets where we feel the need of shortcuts for everything so that we do not have to invest much of our time.

So here we are presenting some very basic and easy exercises and diets, you can follow for a healthy mind and heart.

Table of Contents

1.  Try this 15-minute exercise for a sound mind and a healthy body

2. Practice these basic yogic asana daily.

3. Foods that must be included in your diet.

4. A tip for the workaholics.

 5. What is the secret to mental and spiritual wellness?

Try this 15-minute exercise for a sound mind and a healthy body.

Boost your mental and physical health by regularly practicing Pranayama for at least 15 minutes in the morning & evening.

  • Sit in Padmasana (lotus position).
  • Inhale deep and hold your breath as much as you can.
  • Exhale slowly & hold your breath for a few seconds.
  • It supplies oxygen to the upper body and mind and refreshes lungs with pure oxygen.
  • Do this exercise for 15 minutes.

Meditation with pranayama has additional benefits.  Keep meditating simultaneously.

This 15-minute exercise has numerous benefits for maintaining overall mental health

  • It makes you feel positive and boosts attention span.
  •  It increases your memory power and keeps you calm.
  • It enhances creativity and eases decision making.
  • This exercise controls fears and negative thoughts and thus helps in overcoming depression.

Practice these basic yogic asanas daily.

This is a proven fact that with Yog Mudra, Meditation, and with special Yoga Breathing Control exercises, one can get relief from many ailments. Yoga provides you stability by diverting your mind from unnecessary thoughts and helps to focus.

  • Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

1. Stand straight on the ground.

2. Maintain some distance between your feet.

3. With a deep inhale, raise your both arms.

4. Stretch your arms upward by interlocking your fingers.

5. Now come on the toes by raising your heels simultaneously.

6. Feel the stretching from toes to fingers.

7. Try to maintain this pose with slow and deep breathing for as long as you can.

8. Now come to the original position with a slow exhale.

9. Repeat this exercise as per your convenience.

Benefits – It is a complete stretching exercise, helps in increasing height, and helps to correct balance and posture.

  • Vajrasana

1. Sit on the flat floor in Dandasana or fold both legs and place your feet under the hips.

2. Both heels should be protruding outwards and the toes must touch your hips, in this position the thumbs of both toes should be touching each other.

3. Keep your spine and head erect with closed eyes.

4. Keep your right palm on the right knee and left palm on the left knee.

5. Then inhale and exhale in normal breathing.

Benefits – This asana cures acidity, indigestion, gas formation, and constipation increases the digestion process.

Those people who are suffering from gas problems should practice immediately after lunch or dinner.

  • Bhujangasana

1. Lie down on your stomach.

2. Raise your trunk and head supported by the palms. Inhale deeply as you raise the trunk.

3. Bend your arms at the elbows

4. Arch your neck and look upward gently

5. Make sure that your stomach is pressed on the floor

6. Put pressure on your toes by pressing them onto the floor.

7. Hold the asana for 5 seconds.

8. Then slowly exhale and gently drop your chest on the floor. Rest your head to one side and rest your arms by the side of your body.

Foods that must be included in your diet

A good diet is a must for a healthy body. Include protein-rich pulses and green leafy vegetables in your diet. Try to consume fruits and dry fruits daily. Here are some healthy essential foods.

  • Include Soybean and black grams in your diet. They are high in proteins, help in bodybuilding. They prevent cardiac disorders, breast cancer, etc. It is highly beneficial for pregnant ladies.
  • Green tea: Today everyone is well aware of the benefits of green tea. From preventing obesity to making your immunity stronger, green tea has all the benefits that make it a must have. So consume green tea daily for its immense benefits.
  • Brahmi – Brahmi is also known as the herb of grace. It has innumerable benefits for your health. With its medhya property (Good for the brain), it increases your memory power. It increases concentration levels and proves to be beneficial for students.
  • Water – Drink plenty of water in your daily routine. Never consume water immediately after meals. There should be a gap of about half an hour between drinking water and meals.

A tip for the workaholics

The science students, desk job professionals, or the couch potatoes face cervical problems after being in the same seated position during the 8 to 10 hours of continuous work daily. So here is a quick and effective exercise for them.

1. Warm-up a little.

2. Lie down on a flat surface -table or a bed

3. Hang down your head up to mid trunk down the table or bad

4. Hang your arms down towards your head.

5. Feel stretching of your neck and head as long as you can.

6. Come back to normal position.

What is the secret to mental and spiritual wellness?

Meditation is the ultimate cure for all ailments. Those who meditate experience inner confidence and power to fight against every obstacle – physical, mental, and societal. Include meditation in your routine. Meditate daily for at least 30 minutes in the morning and evening. Meditation keeps your mind and body healthy and provides you mental and spiritual wellness.


Time management is the key to a healthy lifestyle. Start prioritizing your health because you are your own healer. This human body is a gift, keep it healthy and live happily.

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