Teachings which changed the lives of millions

Spiritual mentor or Guru can be the path paver for his disciples. He acts as a torchbearer to show them the righteous way of leading life. There are many Spiritual guides who give True lessons of life and ways to get salvation to their followers from time to time. Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan is one such Revolutionary Personality who has brought a major change in the thought process of the new generation specifically that they are becoming role models for others in the Welfare of others. His preachings are divine and influential for youth to shun all the bad habits and imbibe good values in their mindset.

Three promises

To become a good person one needs to be away from alcoholism, Non-vegetarianism, and lechery. These three bad habits are asked to be given up in the starting of spiritualism. Guruji has given Guru Mantra to more than 6 millions after taking this promise from them that they will not indulge in these activities in their entire life. This is the first step towards unraveling the treasure of divine happiness. After this proper recitation of Guru mantra opens all doors to know about internal peace and will power. Today millions of people are leading life happily and healthily due to guidance of Guruji. As today medical science has also proven that if one prohibits these three bad deeds, his life can be better and happier than others.

Generosity towards others

Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan says that if your heart melts after seeing someone in pain then you should be proud that you are still a human even after living in this materialistic world. Today, it is hard to find people with a kind heart because everyone is busy in the race of getting more and more worldly comforts. However, after attending spiritual discourses of Saint Dr. MSG, many people are participating in the good of others. They are happy to spend their time and money in the welfare works which in return give them satisfaction. This welfare has enlarged its sphere from humans to beautiful creatures of nature including flora and fauna. Guruji has also tried to vanish jealousy among humans which is the root cause of unhealthy competition and unfair means of earning money. Guruji says that one should not be tense for something which he does not possess instead he should work hard and enjoy whatever he has. I think it is the simplest way to be calm and focused in the own way of life without being jealous from the success of others.

142 Humanitarian Works.

Today Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers do 142 welfare works after following the words of Saint Dr. MSG to make this world a beautiful place to live. This list of welfare works includes welfare of needy downtrodden masses with food, clothes , education and other facilities. Additionally, Dera volunteers donate blood regularly after three months to help the needy patients, invest money in the treatment of poor patients. They provide ready to move house for individuals who are unable to make by their own under initiative of #ShelterForNeedy. Mega tree plantation and mega cleanliness campaigns are works for the protection of the environment which is also needed for the well being of humans on this planet. To end the filthy world of flesh business Dera Sacha Sauda has started great initiative of #ShubhDevi which promotes the marriage of such girls who want to leave this work to live mainstream life. These are some works in the list of 142 welfare tasks which are astonishing for inhabitants of the materialistic world.

Having True Faith

Today spirituality is always counted in terms of money or other benefits from disciples but Saint Dr.MSG has proven this wrong. He has taught his followers that the only thing one can give to God is the bad habits and true belief, otherwise humans cannot give anything to the King of both realms. The true definition of all religions has been told by Him that God is Benefactor not taker as He is the creator of all immortal and mortal things in this world.

In conclusion, these preachings are indeed revolutionary for people which has brought big change in their lives. Saint Dr.MSG has given a new attitude of leading life which has benefited not only His followers but the rest world also.

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