Pious Teachings of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan

Saint Gurmeet ram rahim singh Ji

Today Millions are celebrating the birthday of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan who is the current spiritual master of Dera Sacha Sauda. His Holiness incarnated on August 15, 1967, on pious land of Sri Gurusar Modia, District Sri Ganganagar, to most revered father, Sardar Maghar Singh Ji, and revered mother, Mata Naseeb Kaur Ji Insan.

The true Spiritual  Master of Millions Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji incarnated to shun the evils

Every person in this world desires a tension free and disease-free life full of happiness. Some people might know that true pleasure can be attained through spirituality. But very few are aware of ‘What Exactly is Spiritual awakening?’ and how one can achieve heavenly pleasures while living in this mortal world.

True Spiritual Master promotes spiritual awakening and takes his disciples from the darkness of ignorance towards the light of knowledge. The divine master teaches true values and shows the way to achieve success in worldly life while working in rhythm with higher consciousness. It is only with the good fortune that one gets to meet a true Spiritual Master in human life.

Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan incarnated as true messenger of God to rid millions of souls from the cycle of birth and death and for the elimination of evils. The pious teachings illuminated millions of lives and directed them to the path of righteousness.

Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan taught the best lessons of life

Millions of people feel fortunate enough to find abode in Dera Sacha Sauda – the confluence of all religions. It is the pious place where lessons of humanity and brotherhood are taught. Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj laid the foundation of Dera Sacha Sauda in1948 by transforming the barren dunes of Sirsa into lush green spiritual scenery. Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan nurtured every piece of this scenery with pious love. All the superstitions on the name of God got cleared and people were directed to the right path to achieve salvation – meditation and selfless service to humanity.

120 hours of meditation – a sure-shot way to get rid of all problems.

Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan bestowed the method of Meditation to millions around the corners of the world and made their lives blissful. Guruji preaches that meditation is the cure for every problem.

Those who meditate regularly with pure heart, their body and mind always remain fresh. Their self-confidence gets enhanced and will power soar so high that makes them able to fight even their deadly diseases like cancer very easily. Through enhanced confidence, one can touch heights of success in any field.

The three core principles tie millions to pious chords

Saint Dr. MSG teaches people to shun their evils inside. The three core principles of Dera Sacha Sauda are strictly followed by all the disciples. These are

  1. Avoid Liquor or any Drug Consumption
  2. Adopt vegetarianism
  3. Maintain High Moral Character and be faithful to relationships.

Never commit a sin where God is present

The code of conduct laid by spiritual saints must be strictly respected and it proves fruitful when followed wholeheartedly. But in this age of vices where evils are ruling and for the man of the modern world, these rules are boring and difficult to follow. Saint Dr. MSG has come up with a solution to stop people to commit mistakes. Guruji preaches that ” One should not commit sins where God is present”. There are no more rules to follow. Just a single one. Since God is omnipresent, one can never commit a sin.

Gossiping is the greatest sin of all that ruins past virtues

In modern times, people devote most of their precious time, gossiping about others. Saying ill of others without knowing anything is a sin one should avoid. All the religious scriptures strictly prohibit the act of gossip.

” पर निंदा सौ गौ घात समाना”

Saint Dr. MSG

Gossiping about others is equal to the slaughtering of hundreds of cows. So, one should never gossip and should dedicate that time to meditation.

Control your desires to lead a peaceful life

Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan teaches people to work hard and earn with honesty.

Guruji strictly prohibits acts like lies, corruption, dishonesty, theft, etc. His Holiness says that destitute with inner satisfaction is far better than Opulent people without inner peace and find it difficult to have a peaceful sleep. Money earned from corruption can never give happiness. So, one should work hard to fulfill his needs and should never be greedy of worldly things. It is of utmost importance to control our desires to lead a peaceful life.

” Earn to live! Living to earn would make you just a machine. Be satisfied, contentment is the greatest wealth; work hard and fulfill your duties.”

-Saint Dr. MSG

Almighty is the greatest friend of all

Saint Dr. MSG preaches that the almighty is the greatest friend of all. Worldly relationships cannot guarantee lifetime companionship but almighty takes care of you in this life as well as the afterlife.  The chords tied with almighty cannot be broken by anyone and in any circumstance. He is with you every time and everywhere. He never leaves you and is always there for you whenever called wholeheartedly. So one should never rely on worldly relationships and maintain the true relation with almighty.

A positive attitude is the foundation of all great achievements preaches Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji

Keep your emotions positive. Negative feelings overpower positivity. One can generate positivity by participating in welfare acts, attending Satsangs, and of course, regular meditation. Make a routine to meditate with Pranayama every morning and evening. It will help you to gain physical and mental fitness and you will get rid of negative thoughts.

“In today’s age, the young generation gets depressed over trivial issues & is surrounded by suicidal thoughts, which is not a solution to any problem it invites bigger problems.”

Saint Dr. MSG

Service to humanity is Service to almighty

 Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji has the utmost passion for humanity. His holiness is the inspiration for all, and thus millions of followers are devout warriors of humanity. To promote selfless service, Guruji has initiated 135 humanitarian works.

Baba Ram Rahim teaches the meaning of True humanity as

” To join someone suffering in affliction & sorrow and to ease one’s suffering is the meaning of True Humanity.”

” The purest service is to work towards the welfare of society without expectation of reward ‘If the man pays for service another renders, God always rewards those serving His children tender! “

The best way to celebrate any occasion is to share happiness

Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji has taught millions the best way to celebrate any event – be it birthday, anniversary, promotion, etc. Sharing happiness with the needy and destitute and helping them in the best possible way increases our pleasure manifolds.

Following his pious preachings, millions of followers of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji are celebrating pious incarnation Day by doing welfare deeds. Mega Tree Plantation Drive is going to be held on 15th August as a part of the celebration. So let’s all wish Saint Dr. MSG a very Happy Birthday by planting trees and doing humanitarian deeds.

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