Healthy Pregnancy – an important step for happier motherhood

Healthy Pregnancy

A woman experiences the physical and emotional rollercoaster from the moment she gets pregnant until she holds the baby in her arms. Every day is a new and mystifying adventure. Going into a pregnancy is actually a challenging period for a woman. More precisely, life is going to be forever changed and she has to prepare herself accordingly. The ‘Mother To Be’ has to take care of her body as well as the new life being created inside her. So, it is of utmost importance to take precautions to achieve healthy pregnancy which would ultimately leads to happier motherhood.

So, here are some secrets for a healthy and happier pregnancy.

Table of contents

1. Motherhood is a drive like no other

2. The healthier the diet, the healthier the mother and the baby

3.  Embrace your body

4. Create a positive environment for the baby

5. Nurture positive thoughts and emotions

6. Avoid Smoking and Drinking

7. Include exercise in your routine

8. What is the secret of a stress-free pregnancy?

9. Pregnancy is the state of being extra cautious

Motherhood: All love begins and ends there

Robert Browning

Motherhood is a drive like no other

Motherhood – A state of being a mother. It is one of the beautiful phase that every woman wants to enjoy in her life. The feeling of motherhood makes a woman feel complete and responsible. In fact, it isn’t just about giving birth rather a natural feeling to love unconditionally, to care for, to protect at all cost, to nurture, to watch that little child grow and blossom and ultimately enjoying the unexplained joy that comes along with it.

The initial phase of motherhood called pregnancy is even more beautiful and one of the best time for a woman.  The joy begins with the feeling that a new life is stirring inside.  When a tiny heartbeat is heard for the first time, the movements of the little one and a tiny little kick that reminds her that she is never alone. Eventually, her thoughts get connected to her baby through an eternal love and this bond gets strengthen with passage of time.

Every mother experience different stories with their own twists and turns. It becomes extremely important for a pregnant woman to take care of her physical, mental, and emotional health. Therefore, she should engage herself in self-care more, and modify her lifestyle accordingly for an enjoyable and healthy pregnancy.

Nutritional Diet – Key to Healthy Pregnancy

The healthier the diet, the healthier the mother and the baby

Be sure to consume lots of vegetables, whole grains, fruits, and healthy fats. The diet should be nutritional full of necessary components is one of key ideas to healthy pregnancy. The mother should consume appropriate Mineral and vitamins as consulted and recommended by doctors and experienced dietitians.

Moreover, she should never skip meals even if she experiences nausea that can further cause dehydration inside body which could be harmful for both mother and baby. Therefore, it is very important to make a proper diet plan as advised by the doctor.

Embrace your body

Remember, pregnancy is not a disease. It is a wonderful experience that woman goes through. Therefore, never feel shy about sharing it and embrace your changing body.

Your body is in a sacred process of creating a new life. Hence, It is going to turn you into a mighty and enduring woman. That is why the status of mother has always been glorified in religions.

Create a positive environment for the baby

The responsibility of a safe and healthy pregnancy is the responsibility of both father and mother. Indeed, the couple must make sure that the mother lives in a positive and happy environment. Both of them should not quarrel or indulge in any heating arguments. In fact, the father must stay calm as much as possible to prevent any negative impact on the child. During pregnancy, woman often experiences behavioral and bodily changes. For instance, anxiety, irritation, itching are some of those usual changes. Therefore, the husband should make sure that the wife stays stress-free and away from all the worries.

Nurture positive thoughts and emotions

It is said that whatever the mother feels and thinks at the time of pregnancy, builds the character of her baby. So it is highly important that the mother should nurture good thoughts. She should read religious books and go through stories of devout warriors, the soldiers, the legends of great saints and philosophers.

She should stay away from unhealthy violent movies and dramas. Instead, she should listen to and watch holy religious sermons. If possible, the couple should indulge in welfare activities like serving the needy and destitute.  Both of them should discuss the great sagas of spirituality and humanity.

Avoid smoking and alcohol

The mother should not consume alcohol or tobacco during pregnancy. In fact, it has been found in studies that these toxins can lead to serious birth defects in baby leading to mental and physical deformities. Some of these are Autism, Attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome, etc. Moreover, it can also lead to miscarriage of the baby. Cigarette smoking decreases the flow of oxygen to the baby. It is also one of the reasons for preterm birth and other complications.

Therefore, mothers should abstain from liquors and cigarette smoking. Instead, she should consume healthier drinks like juice, buttermilk, etc.

However, there are few who are not able to quit these habits. So, they are advised for immediate consultation with their doctor for the betterment of their child.

Exercise to stay active during pregnancy

Staying active is important for your general health in pregnancy. It can help you boost your mood, reduce stress, improve circulation, control weight and sleep better. Lethargy can lead to a negative impact on the child. So, mothers should exercise daily. Exercises should be strictly according to the doctor or a trainer. Heavy exercises should be avoided. Instead, activities such as walking, light jogging, pregnancy yoga asanas and swimming are encouraged to build endurance, alleviate backaches, and increase overall energy and circulation for both mother and baby. 

Remember, never overdo any exercise and avoid excessive tiring exercise.

Ultimate secret to healthy pregnancy – Meditation

It is crucial for the pregnant woman to remain stress-free although she goes through a lot of mood swings. She should stay happy and joyful. Only then her pregnancy glow can lighten up the rooms. And the ultimate secret to stay calm and free of worries is Meditation. The couple should make a routine to meditate at least 30 minutes twice – Morning and evening daily.  The husband should also meditate and pray for the well-being of the mother and child. Moreover, meditation along with pranayama boosts oxygen level in the whole body and improves blood circulation. Indeed, it has been found in various researches that women who meditate in their pregnancy give birth to a healthier child.

Pregnancy is the state of being extra cautious

Pregnancy is the state when the woman has to be extra cautious. She carries the responsibility of a new life with her. Wherever she goes, whatever she does everything affects her baby in all ways. Therefore, she should be protective and caring for her body. She should avoid stairs, lifting heavy objects, and performing tiring tasks. To sum up, she should build a positive and healthy environment for her baby.

We all aware of the fact that if the foundation is strong, so will be the building. So, it is extremely important that the pregnant mother should be well taken care of.  Pregnancy is really a magical time , when the wait of none months is over and the little angel arrives to spread the joy in the family.

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