New Year resolutions, 2022

Every New Year is like a new clean slate – it depends on each person what they will write on it. It feels like a complete new beginning where every person tends to make new positive changes in their lives, make new paths and say goodbye to old bad habits. These new promises to oneself are called as New Year’s resolutions.

Table of contents:

  • Religious origin
  • What kind of resolutions do people take?
  • Some resolutions taken by Dera Sacha Sauda disciples.
  • Conclusion

Religious origin

New Year’s resolution is a tradition which is most common in western world but also followed in eastern world. Its origin came from Romans who used to make promises to God Janus, from whom the month of January is named. People used to make promises to God at the starting of the New Year that they would repay their debts and things borrowed from others. There are many other religious parallels behind the beginning of this trend.

What kind of resolutions do people take?

On the starting of every New Year, millions of people make new promises as resolutions in an effort to get improved fitness and health, new habits, positivity in life and for personal development. Common resolutions taken by people include:

  1. Start Exercising to maintain a perfect health.
  2. To lose weight or gain weight.
  3. To achieve little or big goals.
  4. To save money or reducing expenditures.
  5. To travel more and to new places.
  6. To learn new skills.
  7. To pursue their hobbies and passion.
  8. To change an undesired behaviour.
  9. To spend more time with family and friends.
  10. To live life to the fullest and many more.

The main aim of these resolutions taken by people is the self development and self efficacy and to make a fresh start in their lives.

Some unique resolutions taken by millions

People take New Year’s resolutions for self growth and self development but the disciples of Dera Sacha Sauda (a socio-spiritual organisation) take resolutions for the welfare of whole mankind. The disciples on the occasion of New Year pledge to help the needy and unprivileged people by providing them the financial or non financial aid as much as they can. Some of their resolutions include:

  1. Providing food and clothes to the needy people.
  2. Apart from these, they pledge to contribute towards environment by doing tree plantation.
  3. They pledge to never indulge in any kind of social evil and to aware others for the same.
  4. To respect every human and every religion.
  5. To shun all kind of vices- drugs, alcohol and other bad habits and to adopt a virtue each day.
  6. To serve and help animals or every creation of God.
  7. To never let anyone die of blood shortage.
  8. To donate eyes and bodies posthumously to lighten up the lives of others and many more such resolutions are taken by the DSS disciples.

Is it even possible to follow such resolutions in reality?

Yes, it is. Have a look yourself click here

And this is how they take these unique pledges and work on them continuously to create a healthy, happier and evil free society by keeping their self aside and society at priority. Their one and only inspiration behind such passion for the welfare of mankind is revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan – the socio- spiritual master of millions.


New Year is a new beginning for everyone. People have different resolutions according to their needs and interests. But i would say keeping the service of society as a part of your resolutions and working on it can really provide some eternal happiness.

Wish you all a Happy New Year!!

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