Each animal from a small puppy to the largest mammal plays its important role in our ecosystem. 4th October is observed as World Animal Welfare Day annually with an aim to raise status of animals, for their rights as well as to encourage animal welfare worldwide.

The day embraces all kinds of animals and their unique features. It is celebrated throughout different countries in different ways. Seminars, movements, events are conducted to spread awareness for the rights of animals. However, the sole aim of this day’s celebration is awareness, to treat animals with humanity and make this world a fairer place for animals to live in by educating and making people more aware.

Theme of world animal welfare day 2022

The theme of the day for this year is ‘A shared planet’. Earth is the planet where every kind of species is living. It’s not only for humans but also for the animals and other living organisms. Animals are considered as sentient beings, they too have senses, feelings and every right to live on this planet just like us. Animals can become greatest friends to humans if they are loved and cared for. Hence, we humans must contribute to welfare of animals since this is a shared planet for every creation of God.

Animal welfare initiatives by Dera Sacha Sauda

Animals cannot communicate us their feelings but it doesn’t mean that they don’t feel or sense hunger, thirst, pain etc. Many awareness campaigns, movements etc are running worldwide for the welfare and conservation of animals. But only words are not enough to save these innocent creatures of God. Dera Sacha Sauda is a socio- spiritual organisation that has put words into actions. The organisation left no stone unturned for the welfare of animals, Out of its 142 humanitarian works running for welfare of mankind, several are dedicated to welfare of animals as well as birds only.  Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan aka Saint Dr. MSG always preaches and guides masses to respect, protect and care for every creature of God be it humans, animals or birds. Walking on the pious guidance of their Guru, Lakhs of Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers are serving Animals continuously with compassion and love. Here are 9 ways of how Dera Sacha Sauda is contributing towards ANIMAL WELFARE:

* Stopping the Massacre – a lot of animals and birds are butchered and slaughtered to fulfil human needs. Several are killed for food and others for fur or clothing. Saint Dr. MSG took a pledge from millions of Dera Sacha Sauda disciples to never hurt even a small insect and walking on HIS teachings disciples don’t even think of hurting a single animal or bird instead they help these creatures.

* Complete vegetarianism – It is estimated that each year 80 billion animals are slaughtered for food. But with inspiration of Saint Dr Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan more than 65 million people have pledged to be completely vegetarian. In this way they are contributing towards saving lives of innocent animals.

* Save Life – Under the save life campaign, the DSS volunteers feed the stray animals like dogs, cows etc. with fodder and also quench their thirst by providing them water. They also arrange medical care and treatments for the injured or sick animals along with arranging shelter for them to live under.

* Treating the injured animals on time- while people’s reckless driving leaves the animals injured, hurt or dead on the roads, the Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers on the other hand care for these injured animals whenever they found them in such situation. They provide them immediate medical treatment and bury the corpse of those animals who die on the roads.

*Saving animals from road accidents- A lot of animals die every day due to road accidents that happen at nights, for which Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers tie radium belts or paint chemical free reflector paints on horn of the stray animals that reflects at night saving both the travellers and animals.

* A step to save the cows- Cows are considered holy in Hindu Culture. Listening to the plights of cows Saint Dr MSG asked devotees to spare first roti (chapatti) of every meal to feed the cows. Hence, lakhs of DSS volunteers following the guidance of Saint Dr. MSG feed the cows with chapattis and fodder. Another initiative for cows is Cow Milk Party under which Dera Sacha Sauda devotees celebrate their occasions by consuming cow milk which is full of nutrients instead of the alcohol or cold drinks and hence, encourage the significance of cows and saving them from slaughters.

Helping the disaster struck animals- In any kind of natural or man-made disasters, hundreds or thousands of animals are killed. People forget about animals saving their own lives and possessions. But Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers help such disaster struck animals. They provide them food, water etc. and help them survive.

Help the animals stuck in pits, trenches- Many a times the stray animals such as dogs, cows, buffaloes etc fall down and get stuck in pits, trenches or other deep holes made on roadsides, streets etc. and generally people ignore their cries and let them die. But Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers, whenever they see such animals stuck in such situations, provide immediate help. They always help saving lives of such animals successfully no matter how many efforts it may need.

Saving the habitat of animals- The natural Habitat for more than half of the animal species is forests. But due to deforestation this habitat is getting destroyed and hence animals are becoming homeless which also separate them from their food leading to their deaths. Dera Sacha Sauda is indirectly helping to save the animals by saving their habitat. Under the Tree Plantation campaign, the DSS volunteers plant lakhs of trees and also nurture them, which plays as a role of habitat and food for animals.


Since we are humans, humanity is our first duty and humanity extends to animals, birds as well not only limited to humans. Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers are presenting the best example by showing love, humanity and passion to serve God’s every creation. The credit for teaching such virtues of kindness, humanity and love towards animals goes to Saint Dr Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. HE not only teaches masses to treat animals well but also feeds them and treats them with love, care and compassion.  Let’s all celebrate this World Animal Welfare Day by pledging to be kind and compassionate towards animals. Let’s all love and care for animals, for they are also living organisms just like us!!

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